jeudi 28 juillet 2016

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Fights not only stem from anger and frustration at times, they also serve as a catalyst to gain spirit and momentum for your team. It also gets the crowd into the game which can add momentum for your team. Then there also the purpose of making a statement or cheap shotting our skilled players will result in having to deal with our fighter(s) This mindset helps prevent teams from deliberately hurting other teams star players. You think this doesn happen in sports? Google the NFL team that had a program offering rewards for physically injuring other teams quarterbacks. iphone 6 plus replacement screen So if you don like fighting in hockey it is absolutely your right not to watch and no disrespect but most of us fans don want you watching anyway.

my friend has far more strategy than American hockey

How much meth are you on dude? Soccer.

Hockey: You are on ice skates, testing balance and stability with every stride. Very little friction. You have a hockey stick as your main source of control of a puck that is 1 inch thick and 3 inches in diameter. So While you on skates on a low friction terrain, you have to then concentrate on stick handling a puck so that it follows a direct course without an opponent stealing the puck away. Not to mention passing the puck to another team mate, matching speed to hit the target that is the blade of the hockey stick. The main objective is to put that puck in a net that is 4 feet wide and 6 fit tall, with a goalie who is made larger than his actual size because of massive pads.

Please tell me more about how soccer reins supreme in strategy.

north americans. invented the sport. more specifically, canadians did. hockey has always had fighting because its an entertaining aspect while at the same represents a type of strategy. you use larger, tougher players to actually keep the game less rough between the goalscorers and superstars. when you agree to fight with a visor or initiate a fight. you get extra minor. so those players tend to keep their game more chippy and try to do things that referees wont see when theyre upset. and then avoid all contact after the whistle is blown. enforcers are brought in on talented teams to defend the talent and say to another team, your going to attack our talented players. then well have a player that will make that player regret it. some use the enforcer strategy in a more full way. try to bring talent in tough players like boston for example. and that way their players can play with the talent and push them around a little when they need scare a strong team off the puck more. in a contact sport intimidation is a key aspect in getting into the other teams head. iphone 6 plus replacement screen making them think twice. and backing up that intimidation with swift punch to the head is a good way to do it. and for you idiots talking about regretting shit in your old age. you are the ones missing out if youd rather be healthier in your old age and forfeit your youth full of mischief, fights, parties and young women. lol

I dont get people that complain about concussions in pro sports The players all know what they are getting into. Nobody is ignorant in the situation. If you cant deal with the risks associated with the sport you CHOOSE to play in order to make the large compensations (paychecks), then maybe you shouldn participate. People need to stop being so overly sensitive to the sport of hockey. Fighting is a KNOWN part of the game. If you dont want to see it, either close your eyes, or dont go, but please dont try to change something that the vast majority of fans enjoy.